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Peninsula Temple Sholom is an inclusive Jewish community where everyone can find peace, inspiration, and their own connection to Judaism.

We value diversity, and strive to provide a safe space for the full spectrum of the Jewish experience, including interfaith and multifaith families. We welcome and encourage all people, regardless of age, race, background, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital or family status, health status, citizenship status, or financial means, to participate in our sacred community.

Big Tent

At PTS, we work hard to be welcoming to all people, and work diligently to build inclusivity into our very core. To that end...

  • Prayerbooks. Our prayer books are in Hebrew, Hebrew transliteration, and English. We are happy to provide attendees with large print prayer books for both regular services and High Holidays upon request.
  • Anti-Bias. As a congregation, we are working to increase our awareness of racial privilege and implicit biases, and have co-sponsored events about recognizing these biases in order to create a more inclusive space for our congregants of all races.
  • Accessibility. We are committed to having a physically accessible space. Our buildings, restrooms and parking lot are fully accessible to people of all physical abilities. Our sanctuary and chapel are fitted with hearing loops to make it easy for those with hearing loss to hear clearly and with customized volume.
  • Multi-Access. Shabbat services are generally streamed live. Click here for more information about Shabbat and holiday worship
  • LGBTQ+ Consiousness. Clergy and staff are committed to raising synagogue-wide consciousness with regards to LGBTQ+ issues and inclusion. We are sensitive to gendered language, and provide gender-neutral bathrooms in our facility. We conduct a Pride Shabbat, have had adult education classes on the LGBTQ+ experience, and participate in the San Francisco Pride Parade. 
  • Mental Well-Being. We strive to be a congregation that stamps out the stigma of mental illness. We do this through education for all ages, advocacy, and sharing resources. Check out our Let's Talk Mental Health sessions on YouTube

Lifecycle events

Our clergy officiate and celebrate with our congregants’ life cycle events, including baby namings, Brit Milah, Bet Mitzvah, Confirmation, conversions, both heterosexual and LGBTQ+ weddings, anniversaries, and transgender renaming ceremonies.

Hearing Loop

Our sanctuary and chapel both have hearing loops, which makes it easy for those with hearing aids and cochlear devices to hear with clarity and customized volume. Visit to learn more.


Brit Olam is the Reform movement's social action work. Tools, programming ideas, resources, and funds for multiple aspects of social action work geared toward congregations and local communities.

Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community by Noach Dzmura.  Transgender & gender-variant people have emerged as a distinct Jewish population & a new chorus of voices. A multifaceted portrait of this community.

Judaism and Mental Illness. An estimated one in five Americans suffer from some form of mental illness, but psychiatric ailments continue to be stigmatized. The Jewish community, like society in general, is not always comfortable openly talking about mental illness or dealing with those who suffer from it.

Embracing Racial Diversity in our Synagogues 

Judaism and Racism, by David Rosen.

Keshet works for the full equality of all LGBTQ Jews and families in Jewish life. 

A Letter to the Jewish Community from an Asian American Jew by Mira Baum. A Chinese Jewish girl confronts the racism she experienced in the Jewish community since childhood, and calls on the entire Jewish community to come together to stop the othering of Jews. 

Mentsh: On Being Jewish and Queer by Angela Brown. Over 30 contributors from around the world reveal their struggle to integrate their religious beliefs with their gayness in ways that offer a staggering perspective on issues of identity, institutions & culture. 

Racial Justice Resources ​​to spur learning and conversation about racial diversity, about the deep racial disparities that affect our society, and about how Reform Jews can continue to work for racial justice.

Respect Ability: Jewish and Faith Inclusion. Resources on disability and inclusion. 

Twice Blessed: On Being Lesbian or Gay and Jewish, edited by Christie Balka & Andy Rose. A  ground-breaking 1991 anthology of autobiographical essays covering a broad range of LGB Jewish experience. 

Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784