Named in honor of Bunny Starr and Edith Stevens, founding leaders of Sholom Women. The Starr*Stevens Judaica Shop is the only full service Judaica shop in the North Peninsula. We have a wide selection to meet your needs.
Mezuzot | Tallitot | Menorahs | Dreidels | Jewelry | Candlesticks | Books and toys
The Starr*Steven's Judaica Shop, conveniently located just off the synagogue foyer, has something for everyone. You can enjoy the wide selection on-hand and even place special orders for weddings, B’nai Mitzvah, and other special events. Profits from the Starr*Stevens Judaica Shop support Sholom Women, which ultimately benefits our PTS youth camperships and scholarships for trips to Israel.
Contact to make an appointment.
Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785