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Finding awe in the new year

01/02/2022 04:58:34 PM


Rabbi Liora Alban

Over the last two years, walking has become more a part of my daily routine than it ever had been. It began in March of 2020 when I felt trapped in quarantine and needed a safe outlet to escape the four walls of my home. In October of 2020 I adopted my dog, Rexy, and my walking picked up even more. We started walking daily together because he needs the exercise and the stimulation that comes from watching, smelling and feeling the world around him.

 I love walking with Rexy because he approaches everything with a sense of awe and wonder. He has an urge to sniff every bush and flower. He demands that we say hi to every passerby and animal along our route. Rexy truly takes to heart the teaching of Psalm 92: Mah Gadlu Ma’asecha Adonai! How great are your works, oh God! How very subtle are your designs!
January is the perfect month to try to view the world through a lens of awe and wonder. First, January is when much of the secular world commits to living afresh. Americans at this time set resolutions for the new year and look ahead with restrained hope that the new year might be better than the last. For Jews, January also happens to be the month during which we celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the trees. What could be more awe-inspiring than trees? Trees provide us with shade, food, wood, and beauty. Trees are proof of God’s creative power. Further, when we plant trees or when we protect already existing trees, they also allow us to be partners with God in making the world better. Perhaps this is why our holiest book, Torah, is often compared to a tree of life. Proverbs 3 tells us, “She is a tree of life to those that hold fast to it and all of its supporters are happy.”
This January, let us open ourselves to experiencing awe and wonder. Perhaps this will allow us to see ourselves as holy partners with God as we enter the new year. Here at Peninsula Temple Sholom, we have many upcoming opportunities that might help you see the world and yourself in these ways. On January 14, we will enjoy a special Shabbat service with Jewish bluegrass band, Nefesh Mountain . Together we will welcome Shabbat and recite familiar prayers in fresh and inspiring melodies. Then on January 17, we invite you to participate in the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition’s MLK Day of Service. You will be able to choose from multiple projects (both in-person and virtual) that spark your interest, connect you with new friends, and help others too.
This January, I commit not only to continuing my daily walking routine with Rexy but also to finding awe and wonder through all the wonderful plans that Peninsula Temple Sholom has for the start of the new year. May 2022 be a year of health, fulfillment, and renewed appreciation for God’s creative power. May we all remind ourselves, “Mah Gadlu Ma’asecha Adonai! How great are your works, oh God! How very subtle are your designs!” Happy New Year, friends. I look forward to heading into 2022 with all of you.
Rabbi Liora Alban

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyar 5784